Thursday, December 9, 2010

Your own argument and opinions.

Your own argument and opinions. Did you agree or disagree with the rulings. Provide some authority for your argument such as quotes from the book.

For this final blog on the subject of intellectual property I am asked to give my own thoughts and opinions on the subject which in many ways the other blogs that I have posted previous to this one do just that. I did find that my lawyer answered the questions I asked in much of the way I thought he would by looking through and reading the book. This is not a subject of light reading by any means and my hat is off to the individuals who practice and specialize in this sort of law. There is a great deal of information that goes with this subject and trying to get a good understanding of all the different aspects of each of the four types of intellectual property laws has not been an easy one, yet for me it has been very helpful. I now know many things that I did not previously know and as I get to the end of my degree and start to establish my own brand and company in the world marketplace I feel better about what I need to do to protect myself and my own intellectual property. For me personally at this point in time Copyrights are one of my biggest concerns, being a photographer my work is often easily accessed by viewing it on the web. So in today’s world, being a digital age having knowledge and resources to refer to concerning how to protect my work, and what to do in the case that someone infringes upon that work is invaluable. “The commercial value of intellectual property comes from the ability of its owner to control and exploit its use. If the owner could not legally require payment in exchange for use, ownership of intellectual property would have little if any commercial value.” (Patent, Copyright & Trademark An Intellectual Property Desk Reference, 11th Edition, Page 4.)

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